GRANDER Water Submersion Units

Grander Water Revitalization is a natural technology from Austria which brings water back to life by restoring its original vitality and energy. It makes water more pleasurable for drinking and bathing, more effective for cleaning, enhancing anything that uses water. Revitalized water has a profound influence on all living things, but even mechanical and nonliving…

Water Research and Grander Water

The more intensively we deal with the issue of water, the more puzzling we feel towards how it works … As a brief introduction into the science of water one must realize that up to present in the traditional science there has not been any evidence of various states of “liquid” water, therefore the following…

The Development of Water Revitalisation and GRANDER water

The term ‘water revitalization’ has become a frequently quoted, often misunderstood and sometimes, unfortunately, a much abused phrase.  But where does it really come from?   It was Johann Grander himself who gave his method the name ‘wasserbelebung or ‘water revitalization’, after he discovered changes in the behaviour of micro-organisms under the microscope, after he…